Pere Martell English

Informative video of the services offered by the Campus Educatiu de Tarragona

Institut Pere Martell is one of the leading Vocational Education and Training schools inCatalonia. It is located in Tarragona, on the Mediterranean coast, just one hour away fromBarcelona. As part of Tarragona’s Educational Complex, our 1100 students and 120 teacherscan enjoy facilities such as halls of residence, sports grounds or a dining hall. We provideover 20 VET courses (Basic VET, EQF4 and EQF5) from 8 different professional sectors: MotorVehicle Maintenance and Repair, Construction, Electricity and Electronics, IndustrialManufacturing, Graphic Design, Water and Energy, Installation and Maintenance, Woodworkand Audiovisual Arts. We also offer courses in the dual system (work-based learning) andinternships for our students in more than 400 national and international companies.

We have been taking part in mobility projects. Since 1992, we have carried out a greatvariety of programmes with different countries in order to promote the mobility ofapprentices and staff (both reciprocally and non-reciprocally) and to develop multilateralprojects with schools in other countries. Dozens of mobilities have been carried out in Italy,France, Portugal, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Lithuania, theNetherlands, Malta, Denmark and Germany through different types of Programmes: PIC,Leonardo, Comenius, Erasmus+, internships abroad, innovation projects or projects topromote specific activities of the curriculum at transnational level (between 3 countries ormore). We are also a member of the Level 2 Mobility Network of the Department d’Educacióde la Generalitat de Catalunya (Department of Education of the Catalan Government). Sincethe end of the academic year 2015-2016 we have also been part of the ECVET Network ofthe same Department, which allowed us to take part in the Pilot Project for Long-termMobility for Apprentices created by the Consortium Les Compagnons du Devoir and EuroAppAssociation with the support of the European Commission and the European ApprenticeshipAmbassadors consortium. This project lasted 18 months (from July 2016 to December 2017)and it involved 33 schools from 12 EU countries. It should be noted that only two training centres (Institut Pere Martell and Centro de Formación en Edificación y Obra Civil in Madrid)represented Spain in this project.

Institut Pere Martell provides society with a quality educational service that enables ourstudents to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to stand out in their professional andpersonal careers and to facilitate ongoing training within a framework of respect for people,for the natural, social and cultural environment, promoting freedom, a critical spirit,participation, responsibility, solidarity, equal opportunities, tolerance, justice, a culture ofeffort, well done work and ongoing improvement.The vision of Institut Pere Martell is to be a benchmark in the offer of professional,occupational and ongoing training and in the provision of other new services associated withcurrent vocational training centres such as the validation and recognition of the experienceof working people, career guidance throughout life, both vertical and horizontal professionaltraining courses, the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation and the transfer ofknowledge, all of them to respond to the demands of students, families, companies andworking people.